Pop-up Window

Pop-Up Exhibit: Pop music

10/09/2020 > 02/05/2021

You have until May 02, 2021 to experience our special exhibit dedicated to music.


Pop-up exhibits are presented all year round to showcase the GardeRobe MannekenPis. Depicting a wide range of events, such as the end-of-year festivities, the football world cup or World Water Day, these pop-up exhibits allow you to see the outfits in the collection in a completely different light!

GardeRobe MannekenPis ©E.Gomez

Other Pop-up window

Manneken Pis, costume, environment, climate, battle

Pop-Up exhibition: Environment

14/09/2022 > 19/03/2023
You have until March 19th 2023 to discover our special exhibition "No nature, No future". Pop-up exhibits are presented all year round to showcase the GardeRobe MannekenPis. Through different themes, these pop-up showcases allow you to discover the costumes of the collection in a different manner!
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Pop-up window: Santa Claus' Manneken Pis is back!

19/11/2024 > 20/01/2025
Discover our pop-up window for the festive season! Manneken Pis in his Santa Claus costume is back for another season of magic and wonder for the whole family.
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Toques, pennes and calottes

Pop-Up window: Students

18/09/2023 > 03/03/2024
Discover our Toques, pennes and calottes window until March 3, 2024 and until March 11 our second window: Work in Progress.
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