Discover our “Toques, pennes and calottes” window until March 3, 2024.
Manneken-Pis is often linked to activities run by French-speaking student associations. That’s why he owns many outfits donated by these associations. It is important to distinguish between the calotte, a hat worn by students at Catholic universities and the penne, the cap associated with the liberal establishments. At graduation, however, all students wear the same headwear, the traditional toque! With its 21 costumes, this is the most densely packed pop-up window to date. It will delight all our graduates, young and not-so-young alike.
Pop-up windows are organised all year round to enliven the GardeRobe MannekenPis. These pop-up windows focusing on various themes offer a different way to enjoy the outfits in the collection!
Dive into the fascinating world of Manneken-Pis by exploring our second Work in Progress window display until 11 March 2024.